Wednesday 12 October 2011

Last Week in Africa

Our apologies for not posting for a while.  We have not had any connectivity at a number of locations and have been so busy that we just have not had time to go through our pictures.

Following our stay at Kwandwe, we spent 3 nights at Ngala, which borders on the Krugar Nature Park.  While there we saw a number of young animals including the 4 month old hyena below and five week old leopard cubs.   We have a number of other pictures of young giraffes and elephants to show you but we'll have to wait until we are home.

We also saw giraffe's fighting.  They were battling for dominance to see which of the males below would be able to mate with the female nearby...who didn't appear to really care what was happening.  They lean again each other and strike with their necks.  As our Ranger explained, it is rather gentlemanly as one giraffe waits for the other to get his barrings and enables him to take a swing before moving on.  These battles can last for a day or more until one of the giraffe's gives in and walks away.

The following pictures are from our next few days in Hermanus and Rob diving with the sharks.  The coast around Hermanus, including False Bay, is the best place in the world to see whales from land.  The whales come to the bay to mate from September to May each year.  We saw a few breach and were able to get this picture.

Finally, Rob did go diving with the sharks.  I stayed on the second level of the boat far away from any jumping great whites.   As you can see from the following pictures, they look a little scary up close.  

We will share better pictures once we've had a change to go through all 1200 but as usual, have to run for a plane shortly.

See you all soon!

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