Tuesday 20 September 2011

Your Not in Kansas Anymore

We are currently in the wine region in a town called Stellenbosch.  We made reservations at a very famous restaurant called La Petite Ferme that is located in a nearby wine farming town called Franschhoek.  Lunch was lovely with Ostrich Capaccio followed by Smoked Trout for Katie, while Rob had Porchini Mushroom Soup and Slow Roasted Lamb.  We had a glass of wine to go with our meal but wondered if the wine had something special added as we drove home.

The patron of our lovely accomodations, Justin, suggested that we take the Pass back to Stellenbosch if we had the time as the views of the mountain ranges are stunning.   We did have the time so we chose to follow his suggestion. 

As we climbed the mountain range we were quite suprised to come across this fellow:

We stopped to take a few pictures and he turned to get a better look at us too.

We were so suprised to see a baboon on the side of the road that we hadn't looked around.   When we turned back to the road, we saw a whole village of baboons through our windshield.

How many baboons can you count?  We saw at least 30.   Babies on their Mom's backs.  Three little ones wrestling at the side of the road.  But, the biggest suprise to us was when we saw a young one try to climb on its Mom\s back and it was turned away.   When we got backo our hotel and looked at the photographs, we realized why.   If you look closely, Mom is nursing a baby and that was obvioulsy her focus. 

Wow!  We are in the wine region.  We haven't even gone to see the animals yet.  We can't wait.

We'll write again soon.

1 comment:

  1. katie, what an amazing trip so far! i esp. love mr. k. ... like meeting history. i just read a book by bishop tutu and it's almost unbelievable what was suffered under apartheid. beautiful scenery too ... looks fantastic. the kids looked with me and now want to go to africa. also, the picture of you has cleared up izzy's suspicion that i work for katie perry!! keep it coming, can't wait to see more pics.
